
February 22, 2015

Book Recommendation - The Forgotten Girl

Hello Internet World,

I want to try something new which is book recommendations, I love to read and I always try to search for new books but never have anyone to recommend me to any so for all the people that are book worms like I am here is to you. Recently, I bought and just finished reading a book called, The Forgotten Girl by Alexa Steele. This was a really
good book and I love it because not only is the story good but I learned a lot about female psychopaths such as how some of them don’t have real emotions.

One part that really freaked me out but was really interesting in the book was a psychologist was asking a dangerous murderer
questions and showing her pictures of people’s emotions such as fear and sadness. When the murderer was asked to identify what emotion was in the picture all she said was she didn’t know the emotion but that it was the look all her victims had before she killed them.

Picture from google
This story is based in New York and is about a murder that happened in a really wealthy neighborhood called Greenvale where crime doesn't happen – I mean in the book there high school was number in country. The story starts out by wealthy mothers trying to live through their kids and how the mothers have competition among themselves on whose child is better. When 3 murders happen in there town everyone seems like nothing happens, I don’t want to give too much detail but once the story unfolds it gets pretty intense and you see people for who they really are the book is only $0 so that's a great deal too.

If you’re into law and order then this book is definitely for you and the best part is while reading it you'll feel like your right there in the action. Well I hope you guys read it and tell me what you think, until next time 

With Love and Sweetness,